Aquarium Shipwreck Decorations

Aquarium shipwreck decorations are a great way to add character to your aquarium. Below we highlight 6 of the best aquarium shipwreck decorations on the market today.

Penn-Plax Shipwreck Aquarium Decoration

Penn-Plax Shipwreck Aquarium DecorationA Little Bit Fishy Score: 3.5/5
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This Penn-Plax shipwreck aquarium decoration can make for a pleasing addition to your fish tank. It is possible to attach the ship to an air pump, allowing bubbles to leave the ship through the holes and rise to the surface. This, along with the moving flag and life boat, create a great visual display in your aquarium.

The shipwreck comes in two pieces. The pieces are just under 10 inches by 5 inches in size. It is possible to extend the mast to 7+ inches in height if desired. Although this might not be the best idea if you have a Betta fish or similar as their tail may get caught in the mast.

One problem with the aquarium is that it is incredibly light. As a result, it may be necessary to weight it down by adding some gravel or stones within the ship. This is certainly a design imperfection, but overall it is hard to argue with the value for money provided by this Penn-Plax shipwreck aquarium decoration.

SLOCME Aquarium Shipwreck Decorations

SLOCME Aquarium Shipwreck DecorationsA Little Bit Fishy Score: 4/5
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The SLOCME Aquarium Shipwreck decoration has a very realistic feel. We especially like the range of colors used, helping the tank to be a prominent feature in your tank, but still to blend in with the colors in your tank.

The shipwreck is make of an eco-friendly resin. This material is non-toxix and will not pollute your fish tank. It is 9 inches in length and so is suitable for a range of tank sizes. It is also simple to clean and maintain.

Unlike the Penn-Plax model, the SLOCME Aquarium Shipwreck decoration has enough weight to keep it firmly rooted to the base of the tank. We find that it offers great hiding places for a number of fish. You may want to choose another option, however, if you have a Betta fish. The main hole in the ship is perhaps large enough for them to get into, but not large enough for some of them to get out of! Overall, a solid and reliable option, at a decent price.

Warship Cave Aquarium Ornament

Warship Cave Aquarium OrnamentA Little Bit Fishy Score: 4.5/5
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This Warship Cave aquarium ornament is larger than many other options. At approximately 19 x 4 x 8 inches it is significantly longer than most. This makes it a great choice for longer aquariums, especially the 30 gallon long or even larger tanks such as 60 or 90 gallon options.

The ornament itself is make from a non-toxic plastic material and is safe to add to your saltwater or freshwater aquarium. We like the rustic look of the ship, while the green tinges allow it to look incredibly natural when places in your fish tank.

We think this shipwreck is a great option, particularly for longer and larger aquariums. It has a solid base (no floating or drifting away) and provides some great hiding places for your fish. Overall, a good quality shipwreck for your aquarium at a reasonable price.

R&J Enterprises Sunken Ship Aquarium Decoration

R&J Enterprises Sunken Ship Aquarium DecorationA Little Bit Fishy Score: 4/5
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This R&J Enterprises sunken ship aquarium decoration delivers what you would expect. It is not overly flashy, nor is it particularly ornate. However, it does make for a great backdrop / addition to many aquariums. This is particularly true for those of you who have brightly colored fish and wish for them to continue to ship rather than being distracted by a colorful shipwreck.

Overall the shipwreck measures 14.5 by 7 inches and works well in aquariums of various sizes. We found it to be decent value for money and a pleasingly simple option for those looking to add a shipwreck to your aquarium.

Blue Ribbon Sunken Submarine Ornaments for Aquarium

Blue Ribbon Sunken Submarine Ornaments for AquariumA Little Bit Fishy Score: 4/5
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This Blue Ribbon sunken submarine aquarium shipwreck is quite different from other options available. When you say shipwreck, many people think back to the days of pirates and wooden boats. But it is certainly true that there are a number of more modern shipwrecks hidden under the sea today.

The aquarium shipwreck is suitable for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. It is approximately 13 inches by 5 inches by 7.5 inches and works well in a range of tanks. The submarine works well as a center piece of a tank. Alternatively, if you would like it to blend into the background, we’d suggest using it in a 30 gallon aquarium (or larger).

Aside from the character that the submarine brings, it also offers a great hiding place for fish and any other marine life which you keep in your aquarium such as snails or crabs.

Sunken Wreck Fishing Aquarium Décor

Sunken Wreck Fishing Aquarium DécorA Little Bit Fishy Score: 4/5
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This aquarium shipwreck décor by SunGrow is much less modern than the Blue Ribbon submarine discussed below. It takes you back in time, and provides a more historic vibe for your aquarium. The boat has several crevaces which are great places for your fish to explore and hide.

The shipwreck is suitable for both saltwater and freshwater aquariums. It is approximately 5.7 x 2.2 x 5.1 inches in size and so is suitable for most aquariums. If you wish to clean the boat over time, simply remove it from the tank, rinse with cold water and leave to dry before reinserting it into the tank.

Overall, this aquarium shipwreck décor by SunGrow is a great option, especially considering the reasonable price. We also like the fact that it is smaller than many of the other options, giving you the ability to add it to a 20 gallon, 10 gallon or even a 5 gallon fish tank.

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