Best Canister Filters

Choosing the best canister filter for your tank can be a daunting task. Ultimately though it is best to focus on getting a good quality filter, and making it sure that it is of the appropriate size for your tank. Too small and it won’t clean effectively and too large can make you tank look more like a water park. Once you’ve narrowed down the options, it is usually best to choose the best canister filter that fits into your budget. They aren’t cheap, but are usually well worth the money.


Below we outline some of our favorite canister filters that are on the market today. We’ve included links to 5 reviews of high quality Fluval filters that we’re reviewed previously. And also take a look at four other canister options. Hopefully this helps you to find the best option for your tank!

Marineland Magniflow Canister Filter

Marineland Magniflow Canister Filter For aquariums, Easy MaintenanceA Little Bit Fishy Score: 3/5
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The Marineland Magniflow Canister Filter has a 3 stage filtration system. There are three different sizes available:

  • 160 gallons per hour (for up to 30 gallon tanks)
  • 220 gallons per hour (for up to 55 gallon fish tanks)
  • 360 gallons per hour (for up to 100 gallon aquariums)

It is possible to use this canister filter for both saltwater and freshwater aquariums. It comes at a value price point, and a number of people have been very happy with its performance. Be aware, however, that a number of people have had issues with the canister’s reliability. If performance and reliability is of upmost importance it may be worth considering other models.

Sunsun Pro Canister Filter Kits

Sunsun Pro Canister Filter KitsA Little Bit Fishy Score: 3.5/5
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The HW-302 Pro Filtration Kit comes in 3 sizes: 265 gallons per hour; 370 gallons per hour, and 525 gallons per hour. It includes 3 white filter pads and 3 media baskets, 1lb of filter carbon, 1lb of ceramic rings and 1 set of bio balls.

Sound great on paper, but we’d lean more towards paying the extra to upgrade to a Fluval or similar.

Penn Plax Cascade CCF3UL Canister Filter For Large Aquariums

Penn Plax Cascade CCF3UL Canister Filter For Large AquariumsA Little Bit Fishy Score: 4/5
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The Penn Plax Cascade CCF3UL Canister Filter is designed for large aquariums. It works with both freshwater and saltwater tanks. The Cascade 1000, as you would expect, has a flow rate of 1000 liters per hour. This equates to 265 gallons per hour. It has 3 media baskets and measures 11.5 x 17 x 10 inches (. Penn Plax recommend it for up to 100 gallon tanks.

Other features of the canister include:

  • Push button primer to help you get started quickly and easily
  • Ability to rotate flow valves through 360 degrees, making it easy to place your canister where you want it

Fluval Canister Filters

Talking about the exceptional quality canister filters by Fluval, we previously spent quite a bit of time reviewing their 5 main canister filters. Rather than regurgitating the reviews and boring you all, here are the links to the reviews of the canisters:

Fluval 206 – for aquariums up to 200 liters (approx. 45 gallons)

Fluval 306 – for aquariums up to 300 liters (approx. 70 gallons)

Fluval 406 – for aquariums up to 400 liters (approx. 100 gallons)

Fluval fx4 – for aquariums up to 1000 liters (approx. 400 gallons)

Fluval fx6 – for aquariums up to 1500 liters (approx 400 gallons)


Hopefully we’ve done a good job outlining some of the best canister filter options for your tank. Canister filters can be incredibly effective. You just need to make sure that you get one that is the correct size for your tank. If you have the budget for the more expensive filters on the market you likely won’t be disappointed. Having said that, however, the more cost effective options can offer great value for money.

If you didn’t quite find your ideal canister filter above, it is also worth checking out the range of Eheim Canister Filters. Made in Germany, they are known to be of high quality and reliable.

Good luck!

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