Staurogyne Repens

Staurogyne repens is a freshwater plant from the Acanthaceae family. It is often referred to as the shortened name S. Repens. It is a resilient, compact plant and has great aquascaping potential. S. Repens is a brightly colored, green carpet plant that grows at a slow to medium pace. It can growth up to 10 cm in height and is a great way to fill in gaps in your aquarium or for use in the foreground.

Staurogyne Repens is native to the riverbanks of the Rio Cristalino river in the southern Amazon where it grows on stones and porous soils. It has come into recent favor with fishkeepers due to it’s bright green colors, relative ease of care and ability to be planted in different areas of the tank. Additionally, taurogyne repens is an ideal choice for the lower levels of the tank and is great at forming carpets over the substrate. This provides extra shelter for bottom-dwelling fish while also oxygenating the water and removing nitrates.

Staurogyne Repens Carpet

Staurogyne Repens forms a carpet which, aside from being attractive, can provide extra cover for bottom dwelling inhabitants and help to oxygenate the water in your tank. It has a slow to medium growth rate and can be well utilized in the middle and foreground of tanks. Owning to its ability to grow into a think carpet it is worth ensuring that your tank is sufficiently large (ideally 10 gallons plus) and to start off slowly. It is easy to propagate the plant further should you wish to grow your initial Staurogyne Repens carpet significantly.

Staurogyne Repens Care

There are a number of factors to consider when caring for your S. Repens. In general it is a hardy plant that can survive in a range of conditions. Below we’ll take a look at the general requirements as well as the optimal considtions to get the most out of your Staurogyne Repens.


Staurogyne Repens can survive is a low lighting environment. This will, however, detract from growth rates and cause the growth to be more upright in nature (rather than through side shoots). As a result, you may lose the carpet effect that is so desired with this plant.

Ideally, however, the lighting should be medium to high in intensity. This would ideally be natural, but there are a range of high quality aquarium lights on the market that may help to optimize your tank. Keep your lighting on for 10-12 hours per day if possible in a consistent routine.

Carbon Dioxide

S. Repens has low CO2 requirements. Providing a level of CO2 injection, however, would help to promote growth of the plant (due to the carbon dioxide requirement for photosynthesis to occur). There are a number of suitable options to increase the carbon dioxide levels in your tank, but be aware than excessively high carbon dioxide levels can be harmful to your fish.

pH and Temperature

S. Repens can survive in waters with a pH range between 5 and 8. A pH of around 6.5 works well. The water temperature should ideally be 20-30° C (68-86° Fahrenheit). The warmer end of the band will help to promote faster growth, while an unexpected drop in temperature can cause the growth of your Staurogyne Repens to stagnate.

Staurogyne Repens Propagation

Staurogyne Repens propagation can be carried out in two main ways:

1. Cuttings: It is fairly easy to propagate S. Repens. Simply wait for the stems to reach a level of maturity (around 7-8cm in size) and then cut the them (approximately half way up). Then replant the cutting in the substrate. Fortunately the cutting is capable of growing its own roots, but you should ensure that the cutting has at least one leaf (to enable photosynthesis). It is not necessary to plant the cutting deep into the substrate – a depth of 1cm should be sufficient.

2. Natural Propagation. S. Repens will naturally propagate once the stem is established. The stem grows lateral shoots that slowly expand the plant. These shoots are capable of growing roots and will allow the plant to expand along your substrate over time.

Other Considerations

Aside from the core requirements listed above, you should also consider:

  • Water hardness: Ideally water hardness should be around 6-7 KH, but S. Repens will be fine in water hardness in the 3-10 KH range.
  • Tank Inhabitants: S. Repens is hardy and capable of self propagating. As such, it can survive if some of the tank inhabitants are plant eaters. Too many, however, could have a significant impact on the plant. It is also possible to combine your S. Repens with other plants – especially if you go with some taller plants. Just be aware that it needs a good amount of light, so covering the surface with floating plants is definitely not ideal.
  • Substrate: S. Repens (like all plants) does best when conditions match those of its natural habitat. A loose substrate (into which the plant can weave itself) works well, particularly if it is nutrient rich
  • Purchasing considerations: You should be able to purchase a decent about of stems for under $10. They should be green to a little brown and strong enough to support themselves. Remember that the propagation potential of the plant allows you to growth it over time (you don’t have to buy enough to cover your whole aquarium in one go)
  • Water Quality: Ensure that the water quality in your tank remains high so that light is able to penetrate through your tank to the S. Repens

Staurogyne Repens Conclusion

Staurogyne Repens offers great flexibility for aquascaping. It is a resilient, compact and brightly colored. Green in color, it grows at a slow to medium pace and is capable of propagating efficiently. Bear in mind that your stems can grow at different rates, so you might choose to trim the taller stems in order to restore your carpet look.

As long as your aquarium is set up correctly, the S. Repens will likely thrive and provide you with a visually appealing carpet in your tank. Further it provides extra shelter for bottom-dwelling fish while also oxygenating the water and removing nitrates.

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